Many of us think about chlorophyll and we think about how boring science class was in 8th or 9th grade. I certainly did, until I started taking wheatgrass as a supplement for healing internal and external tissues and experiencing the maximum absorption of nutrients that I had no idea existed. Every day I find another reason to add chlorophyll to my water and I know that for each ailment, there is always room for cleansing the blood.
Chlorophyll isn't just the green pigment found in plants or just a process of photosynthesis, it is a healer through and through. Having the power to push oxygen through the blood, it alkalizes and neutralizes any acidic environment and stagnant cells that need nourishment. You will find chlorophyll rich plants such as wheatgrass, spirulina, blue green algae are some of the most potent, healing agents on the planet. For those that aren't ready to go down the highly detoxifying and rejuvenating path of healing with these particular plants, chlorophyll rich veggies include your dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and collards. Eating foods with high amounts of chlorophyll will not only give you a great source of fiber, vitamins and minerals that we need but will also help heal you from the inside out!
Technically speaking, chlorophyll has the closest chemically structured molecule to our red blood cells of anything else on the planet. The difference lies in one atomic molecule at the center of each structure. Our red blood cells have one atom of iron and chlorophyll has one atom of magnesium. Other than that, they are nearly identical. It is also interesting to note that respiration from humans results in carbon dioxide which is what the plants breathe and we breathe oxygen that comes from the plants. What a beautiful coexistence this is and let's not forget the energy from the sun. Plants, more specifically the chlorophyll from the plants, absorb the sun's energy through photosynthesis and this allows for a transfer of that energy when we consume plants. The sun's energy is then absorbed through every cell in our bodies thus making us alive and full of radiant energy!
Some health benefits of consuming chlorophyll rich plants or supplementing with liquid chlorophyll include (but certainly not limited to!) healing internal tissues and organs, cancer treatment and healing from chemotherapy, it is an internal deodorizer so you can throw out that tube of toxic deodorant. It helps raise iron levels for those of you who have issues with anemia. Your energy levels will definitely skyrocket because chlorophyll can rejuvenate every cell in your body and leave you feeling on top of the world.
Supplementing with highly concentrated amounts of chlorophyll can help you with bad breath, constipation and odor in urine due to bacterial or fungal infections. It also can heal wounds. I cut myself pretty bad with a serrated knife one day while cutting an onion. The cut was very deep and the blood was flowing. Instead of the typical first aid administration of elevating and applying pressure, I grabbed my bottle of Chlorophyll and dropped a couple drops on my thumb. Within seconds the bleeding stopped; it was almost as if the Chlorophyll acted as a band-aid. My thumb was green for a couple of days but I didn't mind, the wound was healing faster than I had ever seen.
A quick reminder however when searching for liquid chlorophyll in supplement form. Be aware that alfalfa is not necessarily a good source anymore, because the USDA has allowed genetically modified alfalfa to proliferate and contaminate other, organic crops. Please refer to a previous blog that I have written about the definition of Organics and where we stand with regulations and deregulations. I have found a couple brands that use other sources such as mulberry leaves. You will still enjoy all the benefits from the chlorophyll but it is important these days to know where the source of your food and supplements are coming from.
Through experience and observation, as well as personal stories from many people about their health improving just by adding a little chlorophyll in their daily routine, makes me a firm believer in the healing power of plants. We live symbiotically alongside these organisms and if we just take the time to recognize how important our relationship is with the plants, we will see how necessary it is to take care and respect the Earth and all her children. Please take an hour or two and watch the film, The Secret Life of Plants. Below is a link to watch on Youtube. The message is life changing.
About Me
- Stephanie
- I am a certified Educator from the Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia and I'm here to share information on health and wellness. We are all on a lifepath and my path involves working each and everyday to become a more conscious eater. It is very important to know where your food is coming from and I feel it's time we get back to basics. Learning how to grow our own food, whether it is an herb box in your window or a garden in the yard, is all it takes. I will be sharing recipes as well as ideas that I feel need to be shared as I experience my raw, vegan and living foods lifestyle. Support is key, so I am here for you and I hope that I can help you on your journey. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask questions.