Lately I have been focusing on which foods are healing foods based on their characteristics such as color, size and shape, just to name a few. I came across a video awhile back that introduced me to The Doctrine of Signatures which has drastically changed how I look at food. I know it's cliche to say "You are what you eat" however being conscious of what we are eating is very important. Taking time to connect with our food can really bring about many changes in our health and well being. I work in a local herb shop and many people come in for supplements and advice on what to do for different ailments. First and foremost I always think of food. For many moons people have adhered to the idea that food can be your medicine and medicine can be your food. Of course it is fuel and sustenance among other things, however if you look closely, certain foods resemble body parts and organs. This is known as the Doctrine of Signatures.
It has been widely thought that because these traits that foods have (size, colors, shapes, etc...) they can help not only support specific areas in our bodies but help the healing process run its course more efficiently.
Lets take celery for example, it's my personal favorite. The majority of people that come into the shop have bone issues to various degrees, such as arthritis, bone spurs or osteoporosis. Whether they are looking for a supplement such as a single herb or a mineral that they may be deficient in, I always have celery in my mind. Those that are willing to listen to the idea that foods can heal, can open their minds to the possibility that just maybe if they increase their consumption of celery in this example, a particular dis-ease can be eliminated. So what about celery? What are the benefits with this food for bone health? You might me surprised to learn that celery has many healing and supporting properties.
Celery is awesome for one, because it helps alkalize the body. Neutralizing any acidity the body may have accrued, celery is primarily made up of water. It restores electrolytes back to the body so it's really good to consume this veggie after working out or hot sunny days where you are bound to lose some minerals through natural detoxification and sweat. Because celery is high in potassium and sodium "natural salt", it is a great diuretic which will alleviate any urinary issues and water retention in certain areas therefore it is good for inflammation as well. This natural sodium is important to help break down stones specifically in the gallbladder or kidney, as well as calcium deposits on the bones. As for bone health, celery is very high in calcium so it certainly helps protect against osteoporosis.
Occasionally you will find that some people have accumulated a build up of inorganic calcium deposits. This happens due to toxic build up and a not so healthy diet. These deposits have been known to be very painful and many people resort to surgery and medication to relieve the symptoms. Behold the power of whole foods! The sodium in celery actually breaks down these deposits and moves them through a solution in the body to store in the kidneys for release when it is time for elimination via urination.
I hope this little bit of information has been a good example of how certain foods can help with healing and preventative measures with health and wellness. Of course I highly recommend organic fruits and vegetables as well as juicing them to get the most nutrients you can. I have attached a small video that I think is very nice about the Doctrine of Signatures as well as some links that I thought were interesting on bone health. Here, I have primarily focused on celery however there is an array of foods that can be of assistance in your health and well being. Within the video below you will see a few examples of these foods.
You will also find directions on how to regrow celery!!! Yes, celery regenerates itself; the wonders never stop.
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About Me
- Stephanie
- I am a certified Educator from the Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia and I'm here to share information on health and wellness. We are all on a lifepath and my path involves working each and everyday to become a more conscious eater. It is very important to know where your food is coming from and I feel it's time we get back to basics. Learning how to grow our own food, whether it is an herb box in your window or a garden in the yard, is all it takes. I will be sharing recipes as well as ideas that I feel need to be shared as I experience my raw, vegan and living foods lifestyle. Support is key, so I am here for you and I hope that I can help you on your journey. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask questions.